Tuesday, November 9, 2010

First day back to training for my 5k

Alright. I woke up this morning fully convinced that I would not start my running plan today. "Maybe tonight" I told myself. Yeah, right! If I didn't take time this morning to do my 20 minute plan I would definitely not go do it later this evening. I am going to be so busy once I step foot out of my door. I have to get to my office and start making call after call to families who have owing balances (I try to be the golden child at work who has no one on the list that gets dis-enrolled for non payment,...what can I say, I love the attention it gets from our operations director and the v.p.) Then the weekly one on one call with the Boss Man to let him know how things are going. On lunch I've gotta go check out apartments since we have less than 2 weeks now to find one and move due to our Apartment Managers screwing us out of renewing our lease. Got some nice leads that will put us back across the river on the Oregon side so it is a blessing for sure! Then out to 4 programs and then a school board meeting at 7:30pm. This puts me home at the earliest 9:30pm tonight!!!  Sure I would have gone running!!  Yeah, right!!

Anyways, I made myself go this morning and I feel so much better for it. I decided I would blog about my experience before I jump in the shower and run out the door to start the busy day ahead. I am doing the "couch to 5k" plan on the website: www.coolrunning.com. You can find it on my Facebook if interested. This week I will be starting with 5 minutes of brisk walking then alternating between 60 seconds of running and 90 seconds of walking for a total of 20 minutes. I did this today and will do it again on Thursday then Saturday. It doesn't sound like much but it is part of my "baby step" plan that I talked about on my last blog. Slow and steady wins the race. Sure I could be blogging about how quickly I jump into overexertion and lose massive amounts of pounds each week, but if I had done that to begin with it sure would have taken me less than 2 years to gain back the weight I have and then some. You only set yourself up for failure that way because it is truly unsustainable.  Not this girl.

It felt really good to go. I stretched out a bit (but need to look up a better stretching plan to stay safe) and got started. I felt great until the last rep when my right lateral knee started acting up. My knee is what stopped me from running the last time. I am hoping to strengthen the muscles that support it but I may just look into a brace. Other than that, I could feel the cold I had a few weeks ago is still affecting my lung capacity and my endurance has declined but I am sure those will strengthen with time. All in all, I am a sweaty hot mess but it feels so good to know that I overcame my mind set and started the path to meet my goal!

Gonna go eat a banana and then hit the shower! Off to work I go!

1 comment:

  1. Connie, don't forget to do some core strengthening. The biggest mistake a lot of runner's make is forgetting to do that. It's important. I'm proud of you. Baby steps are good. :)
